Welcome To My "HEP C" Life

Hepatitis C is a blood disease that affects the liver. There is a tx that I am now on which is a mixture of "interferon" injections 1x a week and 1200mg in pill form of "Ribavirin" dailly. This is an extreme and rigorous 48 week treatment and I have started september 22nd 2006

Location: moundsview, Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I have hit a wall. I tried to lay down but was unable to rest. I couldn't get to sleep and now I have that tasty feeling in the back of my throat. That bitter taste of full blown exhaustion. My body aches, My joints hurt, I feel like an old man predicting that we are going to be having bad weather. Maybe the weather that I am having is inside my own body. I am feeling a terrible storm inside my body. I can not make it to my meeting tonight. I wanted to go really bad but I am sitting on the sidelines today. This is not the way I wanted to be spending my evening. But life doesn't aways go the way we want it to. I accept this.THis is the way this treatment is sometimes. I am not just feeling tired and that same old word, "EXHAUSTED" I am also feeling a little bit on the "BLAH" side. Yes, That is a medical term used my the most highly respected doctors.

I am going to try to lay back down after I take my evening pills. Its the most I can do. Really, It's all I can do...

I can hear the whispers of a headache trying to converse its spoken words my way. I am sure my body is telling me to take it easy for a little bit. My friend dropped of a bulk amount of her stuff off in our garage. I am glad me and my family can help her out. She still has some more things to bring over, but its just a couple couches and I could say more than a few and less than a lot more boxes.

I've been up for a bit now. Besides the oncoming of a headache, my joints are starting to ache. I've eaten my food and have been drinking my water, And my tylenol has been swallowed as well. But I ache all over and I am just thinking i've done a lot to my body and its letting me know.

I wish when I spoke about doing a lot I could really mean "A LOT" but just me being up for so many hours, helping my friend bring in some boxes to our garage, and concentrating and beginning a new drawing I am doing....That in my world these days is a lot. And it is amazing how much I ache and I am tired from all that little bit.

But as long as I know and don't push...I will do what I need to do and I know that "This too shall pass"

I'm going to aim myself toward the nearest place that I can take a nap...

My day becomes inverted from what it was yesterday. My mood follows along with it. My exhaustion is only a whisper. My fatigue stays behind to keep exhaustion company.

Its early in the A.M. and dawn has not even peaked its eyes over the horizon, but I am taking advantage of this feeling. I have a few things that are in need to get done. One of those things is that my friend is moving in january and she has to sell "99%" of her stuff. To make a long story short, She had plans to sell her stuff in a garage sale a couple weeks ago, but plans fell thru. She is on a time schedule and the closer we get to winter, the colder it gets. Each week that passes by is another week that is going to be terrible to put on a garage sale. So, I thought why not "nip things in the bud" and help her out. We are letting her bring her belongings over here and use our garage to sell her stuff. It will probably be the best week too. The weather will be around 50 degrees and it will be the day after Thanksgiving and Saturday. 2 great days where people are out shopping for x-mas anyway. I said I was going to make this a short story but obviously the way I talk, nothing is ever short...

So to make a long story even longer....She is going to start to move her stuff from storage today into our garage and over the next few days as well. She will price things as the week goes on and then we will have the sale on friday and saturday. I'm here to help a little bit. On friday and saturday I will be able to mozy out and sit on my ass for a little bit. That is something I am good at. Something That I practice on a daily basis. I guess that is what I have been in training for the last couple months....

I also need to get some baby clothes to a friend of mine and get my friend Spencer to try to get Medical Assistance.

We will see how the day progresses... But for now I am moving thru it with a smile.