Distantly Dsitorted
I've come to the end of my day. I am text book fatigue. I am emotionally drained. Physically exhausted. It been just like all the other days. I tried to take a nap earlier but I couldn't. I went out to eat then came home and I was too tired to sleep. I was going to take a nap before I went out to hang up signs for the garage sale, but I thought I'd better do it now before I fall asleep and not wake up til Tomorrow and none of the signs are up. Now I am really glad I chose that path...
So now I have completed a very long day. A normal day with normal hours to the normal world. A long day to my worn out soul. I don't feel good when I am up this long. I start to get all achy and Ugghish and sick. But on the good side I will be able to fall asleep with a smile and wake up prepared for the garage sale.
I hope she can get things priced tonight. Everything is ready. I just don't want to be the one to put a price on her personal belongings. It's understandable why she hasn't been able to. She has had to put in many hours of work. I am gratfeful to be able to help. I am not sure how this would get done without friends to help. The truth - I know it wouldn't get done.
But I let go. It's not in my hands-I've done what I've needed to do and more. I will pray that she has the energy to get the pricing done cause she put in a double shift today at 2 different jobs and won't get over here til 1 or 2 in the morning to do some pricing. Then she has to go to work again at 9 in the morning...And I complain about being tired? please put in some warm thoughts and prayers that this works out for her, Positive energy, and some positive flow that she can get everything she has to finally sold ...she could really use the prayers.
Thank you and good night.
Side effects - I am sore and in pain. I ache and I am tired. I am exhausted and my brain is mush. I am talking more non-sense than usual. I am 2 seconds from hugging my pillow to sleep....