Welcome To My "HEP C" Life

Hepatitis C is a blood disease that affects the liver. There is a tx that I am now on which is a mixture of "interferon" injections 1x a week and 1200mg in pill form of "Ribavirin" dailly. This is an extreme and rigorous 48 week treatment and I have started september 22nd 2006

Location: moundsview, Minnesota, United States

Monday, January 08, 2007

Coloring My Day With Sunshine

lifted into a new way of living. Growing. smiling. moving forward. Taking on the day. Getting through the tiredness. the fatigue and the exhaustion.

I had a crappy night of sleep. Only one hour and then I was up again. I am up for school and then I will get some rest after I get home.

My muscles and joints have hungered with aches, but I have subsided those feelings with a few tylenol.

All in All, I am a smile of sunshine on this brisk winter day. What other way do I have to face the morning? with a frown of disgust? I don't think so.

Attitude of Gratitude...