Welcome To My "HEP C" Life

Hepatitis C is a blood disease that affects the liver. There is a tx that I am now on which is a mixture of "interferon" injections 1x a week and 1200mg in pill form of "Ribavirin" dailly. This is an extreme and rigorous 48 week treatment and I have started september 22nd 2006

Location: moundsview, Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The End of A Day

Its been a long day but i made it thru without a scratch. My meeting went well and we were going to stop by the hospital but she wasn't feeling good enough for a visit. I have a few things to do tomorrow, so I will be forced to wake up at a reasonable time. Like during the time of the day that the sun in shining.

I'm getting up at 7 am to drive my dad up to get the car. Its been fixed. I can come back home and sleep til I need to wake up to drive spencer. I am driving him up to get medical assistance. It will be a good way for me to get out of the house but without having to do anything extensively physical. It's rough when you know that if you do too much, and when I mean too much I mean just a little bit more than nothing much, that you get really tired and fatigued. But like G.I. Joe - knowing is half the battle and If I know that then I can work around it. And that is what I am doing...

Going to put in a movie and then say hello to the Sandman.

How am I feeling....

I don't have any joints that ache and I also haven't spoken to the man who issues out headaches in quite sometime now. Since I woke up earlier and forced myself to stay up, I am now tired enough to fall asleep when my dreams come calling.

My day was tiresome - but I walked with my head held high and made it thru with a smile and perseverance

I said hello to my dreams and woke up around 1:30 this afternoon. I feel alright today. I went up to the auto parts store for my parents and got them a Rim for their car and while I was out doing that I went up to school and got the registration papers so I can find what classes I want to take next quarter.

It was really great to walk up those school stairs. I even saw a girl that I had a class with last quarter and we talked for a couple minutes. It was just nice to see a familiar face. Boy did it feel good to get out and go up there.

I have my tuesday meeting and then I am seeing my friend in the hospital. She really needed our visit yesterday and it just felt good getting out of my self and going.

Once again, I am feeling okay. I am tired and sort of fatigued but I will manage.

Good-morning and Goodnight

Morning rises as I fall asleep. I was awake all night. My mind couldn't wind down and relax enough to find any dreams. Nothing buggin me, just over stimulated myself, and when I got home ended up doing more than I should have. Next thing I knew the clock was coming into focus and it was 4 A.M..

I will not be asleep all day but I will get my dreams worth.

My body was starting to ache earlier and I keep on hearing the little whispers of that headache trying to knock on my door. I do what is needed and it seems to drift away, but it comes back when there is too much silence. It seems to want to have a conversation with me, but I don't like talking to "Headaches" - They drive me out of my mind and are a pain.

Will write when I wake back up........Goodmorning to all and goodnight myself