Welcome To My "HEP C" Life

Hepatitis C is a blood disease that affects the liver. There is a tx that I am now on which is a mixture of "interferon" injections 1x a week and 1200mg in pill form of "Ribavirin" dailly. This is an extreme and rigorous 48 week treatment and I have started september 22nd 2006

Location: moundsview, Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I said hello to my dreams and woke up around 1:30 this afternoon. I feel alright today. I went up to the auto parts store for my parents and got them a Rim for their car and while I was out doing that I went up to school and got the registration papers so I can find what classes I want to take next quarter.

It was really great to walk up those school stairs. I even saw a girl that I had a class with last quarter and we talked for a couple minutes. It was just nice to see a familiar face. Boy did it feel good to get out and go up there.

I have my tuesday meeting and then I am seeing my friend in the hospital. She really needed our visit yesterday and it just felt good getting out of my self and going.

Once again, I am feeling okay. I am tired and sort of fatigued but I will manage.


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