Welcome To My "HEP C" Life

Hepatitis C is a blood disease that affects the liver. There is a tx that I am now on which is a mixture of "interferon" injections 1x a week and 1200mg in pill form of "Ribavirin" dailly. This is an extreme and rigorous 48 week treatment and I have started september 22nd 2006

Location: moundsview, Minnesota, United States

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Four Twenty One P.M.

It sure feels good to feel good again. Walking on eggshells. Wondering when I will feel Uggh again. But I am not overly worrying my brains out. I made it to the meeting and then afterwards went out to Old country Buffet for some fellowship. It felt great to get out of the house and see some of my friends. It felt great to get to a meeting too.

I did feel kind of yuck when I got home but I have been just taking it easy watching a few shows, making sure to relax. I have my journey out to eden prarie tonight to get spencer. I know not to push myself too much but I also know I need to keep moving thru the day. Thankfully I am just feeling exhausted and not too out of it.

I have started to get achy joints again and I need to go take some Tylenol to hopefully help with that.
I hate the feeling of not feeling good and I know Sometimes it begins with the starting of my joints begin to ache...So I better take care of myself before I feel worse

Feeling much better. Woke up around 6 am and decided to move on with the day. It feels so good feeling good (Of Course). I am going to go to a meeting this morning. Haven't been to one since monday and I really need to get out of the house. I also need to get a hold of everyone that has tried to call me in the last week. I really don't like talking to people when i feel like crap. It really makes no sense to me cause I would be unable to hold a good conversation on the phone feeling the way I have.

My conversation would go as follows:

Me: Hello?
Other person: Hey, how you doing?
Me: I feel Like crap
Other person: Hope you feel better
Me: Me too
Other person: Get Better
Me: THank You, I got to go, I don't feel good
Other person: Take care
Me: Good Bye...
Other person:Good Bye...

So i decide to just leave a message on my voice mail explaining I feel Like crap and let things be. It's not too personal, but atleast I am getting the message out there. Also I really don't feel like doing anything else when I feel the way I have.

I'm going to do a few things and write more later