Welcome To My "HEP C" Life

Hepatitis C is a blood disease that affects the liver. There is a tx that I am now on which is a mixture of "interferon" injections 1x a week and 1200mg in pill form of "Ribavirin" dailly. This is an extreme and rigorous 48 week treatment and I have started september 22nd 2006

Location: moundsview, Minnesota, United States

Monday, December 04, 2006

Good day and I am feeling the same. Of course I did the same pattern of sleep through the part where the sunshines, but I don't have to allow my night to be absent of that same sun shining attitude. I woke up and took my pills, took my tylenol, drank my coffee, filled my stomach to full, and then ventured around the house seeing wht it is that I can do before I go to my meeting tonight.

I made some calls, answered some more. Copied some worksheets that will be used in our meeting tonight. Doing some laundry that got some scent that is bugging me on it. I have my friend on his way over to help me drag in an entertainment center. I am feeling quite good. I feel tired but I am not letting that deteriorate my day. No matter what I do I am going to feel tired so I am holding on to this positive energy that I have within and just flowing with the rest of my day....