Four Seasons
Project: create the feel of the four seasons using only 4 colors and using all 4 colors in each season.
Left to Right - Winter, Spring, Summer,Fall
Colors Used: Purple;Red;Orange;Blue
Got my labs done this morning. She hurt the "F" out of me. But atleast it only takes a couple of minutes out of my real busy schedule. That's sarcasm... After I had my Labs taken I went over to school and registered for winter classes. I am taking "Intro to Psychology" mondays and wednesdays - "Advertising/Promotion" tuesdays and thursdays. I'm real scared that I will not do too well. I'm worried about being sick. But that is all fear based, and once I start school again I'm sure I will be fine. My classes are only a couple hours each day. I have a real great teacher that I can really learn from for Intro to psychology, and I know that will help out a lot. I'm not so sure about my other class and the teacher, but I'm a big boy and I will persevere.
I did my 9th Shot at 12:30 after I ate a good meal.
I have my 2 meetings tonight. CMA and AA. I am giving my friend her 4 year medallion at the CMA meeting. After my meetings I will Then drive spencer to his parents house in Eden Prarie.
Side effects from the Shot: I will be okay through out the evening. I will start to become sweaty and achy and a little shakiness in the hands will be noticeable only to me during the meetings and while I drive Spence home, But it will be Do-Able.