The evening Is at a close
I just came home from helping a friend out, It's 1:45am. I think I did a real good job pacing myself today. It feels like its been a long day, I'm tired and full. Side effects are low. Only a yucky body feeling and fatigue. mentally I am doing alright.In the past, I am used to feeling like crap, for the last 2 years i have slowly been getting sick more and more and before I started this treatment atleast every other week I would feel like this. so this is nothing too new, the only difference is that There are some other side effects that I am not used to and the ones that I am use to, like tiredness and fatigue are amplified to the tenth degee. Plus I am not used to feeling like this every day. I got the mowing done. Only in the front that is. I used to be able to walk the whole front yard and backyard. I was only able to use the push mower on half the front yard and my breathing was heavy. So I played it smart and used the rider for the rest of the frontyard. I have also noticed that my gums have become more sensitive. when I floss it hurts here and there, and I have woken up in the mornings (really the afternoons) and my jaw is sore like I have been pressing my teeth against eachother really hard in my sleep.