Somethings Missing?
Our tree outside our kitchen window had caught itself oak wilt disease, probably from partying too much or a bad transfusion in the 80's, and the city has a no tolerance law against that and another disease i can't remember. Thank God the city doesn't have that policy with Hepatitis C, huh? I don't need any of my limbs cut off of me.
I am at the end of my day and I am "bushed." I wanted so bad to get out to a meeting, I am very exhausted and tired, yet I was still going to try. But in the last hour in a half I started to get a real bad allergy attack from some foreign scent, And now I am at my wits end. If I move more than to millimeters I begin to dribble snot and sneeze. There is a mischevious flowerish scent that is driving me batty. And I am such a baby when it comes to my allergies. My nose is all red and I have every kleenex in a 5 block radius used up. I just got a call from santa claus and he said if rudolph doesn't pull through this year, he sure could use my bright red bulbish nose to guide the way....
Yes!!!! The living, breathing, snotty-nosed Jason is BACK! Let's see, what's missing in photo #2: (1) green grass? (2) orange leaves? (3) the sun? (4) same lens angle? Other than that they look exact. By the way, I really liked the painting you displayed earlier today. More please.
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