Welcome To My "HEP C" Life

Hepatitis C is a blood disease that affects the liver. There is a tx that I am now on which is a mixture of "interferon" injections 1x a week and 1200mg in pill form of "Ribavirin" dailly. This is an extreme and rigorous 48 week treatment and I have started september 22nd 2006

Location: moundsview, Minnesota, United States

Thursday, October 19, 2006

It's Time For Lemon Ade

It has been a long few days of in my room, under the covers, feeling like dirt, not being able to do anything, exhausted and miserable, days and nights. The hours have clocked by so slowly, the T.V. shows have become so boring, My attitude has become so sick, and my thoughts have become the same.

"Bring your body and your mind will follow" a great quote that I try to live by, And I find that I live by those words, in many different aspects daily. I am always living life - with positive or negative energy. If I let my body follow into the positive energy flow of the day then what seem s to come out of it is the same nurturing light. But there is always an opposite to life. And if I live in the negative energy then What follows me around is negative feelings, negative thoughts, and negative emotions.

Life gives us lemons all the time. And that is life. My life has given me a big fat lemon to live with for a short period of time. "Sometimes" It is so hard to persevere through, It is so hard to go on. Sometimes my energy is so low and I am so exhausted that It hurts. It is so hard to feel good when you feel like crap. To find strength when all you are is weak. Literally, I physically feel weak.

But I am going on, for this too shall pass. This is some of my side effects that I just have to go through. I just have to. The outcome is in the near future. I can see why people count down their shots and the days and the weeks of this treatment. This is not easy, but neither is life, and like the famous quote says "If life gives you lemons - then make lemonade!!"

I was asked to put up some of my art work on here. This is my most recent work.

**Ink and acrylic on paper
11 x 8.5


Blogger Jason Paul Tolmie said...

Hi Jason,

Your journey is a hard & bumpy one! I can see that from your posts. You are travelling it in the best way you know how. You are on the right track Jason. Just keep going, right to the end! The end is approachiing you, as is you are approaching it! By the time you reach your journeys end, I will have already crossed mine. I don't know what is waiting for me on the otherside though. I am so eager to find out what is there!

Stay on target.


Nice to see some of your artwork. I have a blank canvas sitting by the side of my desk. It has dust on the top edge! It has been there for some time. Too long! Soon the dust will be gone and I will have paint on my hands.

Thanks Jason

10/19/2006 6:03 AM  

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