Welcome To My "HEP C" Life

Hepatitis C is a blood disease that affects the liver. There is a tx that I am now on which is a mixture of "interferon" injections 1x a week and 1200mg in pill form of "Ribavirin" dailly. This is an extreme and rigorous 48 week treatment and I have started september 22nd 2006

Location: moundsview, Minnesota, United States

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The afternoon Wakes me up

Awakening to the evening with a feel of optimism and a warm fuzzy in my pocket. I'm feeling much better. It's hard to tell where the tiredness from the medication ends and where I'm just exhausted from not moving around too much lately starts. It's not anything I really need to concern myself with and worry about, the important thing is how I feel right now and to make the most of it while it lasts.

I will be going out to Eden Prarie to pick up spence and hopefully see his grandma who is in the rehab hospital. She broke her ankle a week ago trying to reach something out of her chair. She is like my grandma so it is very important to me go see her. She was in emergency last weekend and now she in "The Colony" right inside eden prarie, which is right down the road from his parents house.

So that will be my evening. Nothing to dramatic but atleast it will be nice to get out of the house. You bring your body and your mind will follow and lately my my have become stagnate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I aboslutely adore what you are doing with your photos- they show so much depth and emotion.

Love n hugggggs,
Big Sis

10/31/2006 3:42 PM  

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